Spray Booth Servicing

12 Month Service – Full Service

  1. Replace intake filters
  2. Replace extract filters
  3. Replace floor filters
  4. Replace ceiling filters
  5. Check extract system
  6. Check burner system
  7. Check inlet air delivery system
  8. Check air recirculation System
  9. Check booth cabin, lighting, doors etc.
  10. Check controls & safety devices
  11. Check all mechanics and electrics
  12. Check the running of the booth
  13. Smoke clearance (optional) at customers’ request.

6 Month Service – Half Service (Intermediate)

  1. Intake filters
  2. Extract filters
  3. Floor filters
  4. Check extract system
  5. Check burner system
  6. Check inlet air delivery system
  7. Check air recirculation System
  8. Check booth cabin, lighting, doors etc.
  9. Check controls & safety devices
  10. Check all mechanics and electrics
  11. Check the running of the booth

Book a Service Here...


Company Name

Contact Name*

Position in Company

Contact Email*

Contact Telephone*

Purchase Order/Reference No


Service Type

Number of Booths


Service 6 Months


Service 12 Months


Service Mixing Room


Service Charge Prep Bay


Smoke Clearance Test


All prices ex VAT.

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